What to Consider When Choosing a Divorce Lawyer

If you’ve decided it’s time to divorce, there are many, many things to consider. How will this affect the lives of your children? How are the assets to be divided, does 1 person keep the house; or does the house get sold? These are big considerations, and only begin to scratch the surface of the life changes to come. The decision to file for divorce is one that most people arrive at after a lot of thought and deliberation, and the same level of thought and deliberation should be taken when searching for a divorce lawyer to represent you.

Here are some important things to consider when looking for a divorce attorney to represent you:

  1. Make sure you are comfortable with your choice of an attorney to represent you. Be sure to ask them about their past experience and successes, but trust your gut instinct that the choice you make feels right to you and that your questions are being answered openly and honestly. Make sure that their approach to divorce- be it mediation or appearance in a courtroom- matches what you are seeking. Know what you want in the divorce process, and do not compromise this by settling for a lawyer that isn’t meeting your expectations.
  2. Be thorough in weighing your options for the divorce and for legal representation. You may see a lot of “quick & easy” divorce advertisements, but it’s important to not rush this process and make a mistake in choosing representation that doesn’t alight with your expectations. Even if you like the first firm or lawyer you meet with, meeting with 2 or 3 more options is smart before making a decision, to get a better idea of the best representational fit for you.
  3. Ask a lot of questions. Ask as many questions as necessary to be sure that you understand and agree with an attorney’s approach to handling divorce and that you both will be on the same page. Look for any red flags that something presented to you sounds too good or too easy (it’s not), as well as the engagement with you of the attorney you are interviewing. Are they too distracted or seem impatient? Can they look you in the eye? Are they expressing respect and concern for your personal privacy?
  4. Focus on the top priorities. Know what is most important during this trying time and work with your attorney to prioritize the main concerns.
  5. Consider convenience factors. Your attorney’s responsiveness, location, and scheduling convenience should all be considered, as the divorce process can take time to complete. Ease of access and comfortableness with your lawyer choice are primary considerations to guide you through the divorce process.

At Marchan Law Office, we fully realize that going through a divorce causes stress and pain to the client and those loved ones who surround the client.  We work with our clients to develop a case strategy and set goals that seek to minimize the personal harm and stress that is a large component in these affairs.

We invite you to Learn More Here or to Contact Us Here today.

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3 replies
  1. john
    john says:

    I agree with you that it is a good idea to ask about past experience when looking for an attorney. I’m sure this can apply to any type of attorney you’re looking for. My brother is looking for a criminal defence attorney to help him with his DUI, so I’ll recommend he looks for someone with proper experience.

  2. Eli Richardson
    Eli Richardson says:

    It really helped when you talked about the importance of asking a lawyer about their past experience. Recently, one of my cousins mentioned she wants a divorce but doesn’t know which are the next steps. I believe that my cousin should consult a lawyer first, so I’ll be sure to suggest it and share this article with her. Thanks for the advice on divorce lawyers and how to find one.

  3. Charlotte Fleet
    Charlotte Fleet says:

    I like your suggestion to meet with multiple different options before you make a decision to give you a better idea of what you need. My older brother is getting divorced and needs to hire a good divorce lawyer. I will make sure that he meets with several different lawyers so he can determine the best option for his needs.


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